Pushing forward

what makes our world tick.

We are convinced that technical assets are THE key to a sustainable society and environment.

Today’s challenges (e. g. climate change, demographic change, scarcity of resources) can only be overcome through effective management and operation of technical assets.

We advise asset-intensive companies on how to create optimal organisations, processes and methods in order to achieve the greatest value from technical assets.

We can help

We help operators of technical assets from various sectors to optimise management and operation of their assets.

We help asset operators maximise the value of their assets and reduce costs at the same time.

We customise our methods and services to suit our individual clients. Our expertise lies in the intersection of technology and business.

Join us!

Do you want to make the world a better place?

With us, you can advance your career and help society move forward at the same time. We are looking for both young professionals and experienced consultants.


The world is evolving rapidly. New opportunities, new challenges and new industry trends are emerging. We don’t just keep up with the times – we shape the future!

We are THE experts in the management and operation of technical assets. To this end, we look beyond day-to-day business and focus on how our clients can create the greatest value from technical assets. We actively drive industry trends and have a voice in the definition of cross-company, international standards. We are therefore convinced that we contribute to the effective and sustainable management and operation of technical assets.


Our passion for quality asset management is something we share with the global network of asset management experts at the Institute of Asset Management (IAM). Many of our employees have turned their profession into a


Telecommunication and fibre optic networks are the most important factors for enabling digitisation. The Association of Telecommunications and Value-Added Service Providers (VATM) brings together a large portion of German telecommunications providers and sets standards in

DIN Standards Committee

We are actively involved in national and international committees for the further development of the ISO 55.000 asset management standards series to promote the asset management concept.


The Association of Municipal Enterprises is a coalition of major German infrastructure operators. Since asset management plays a central role in the future development of our country, we regularly volunteer to conduct asset management training

Viktoria Köln 1904 e.V.

We believe that grassroots sports, beyond the major international clubs, are very important for the social balance of society. That’s why we support Viktoria Cologne as a sponsor. We particularly identify with four aspects:


The path to a decentralised energy supply landscape represents a major challenge for the grid and all grid operators….
Testiomonials 3

What people say about us